Studies on AVP and Evaluations & Reports

2001 - Evaluation of an Inmate-Run Alternatives to Violence Project: The impact of
            Inmate-to-Inmate Intervention, Maryland
            Christine Walrath, Johns Hopkins University

2001 - Lessons from the Cellblock: A Study of Prison Inmate Participants in an
            Alternatives to Violence Program, Delaware
            Stanton D. Sloane

2001 - How Restorative is AVP? - Evaluating the Alternatives to Violence Project
            (AVP) According To A Restorative Justice Yardstick,
            Michael Bischoff, Eastern Mennonite University

2002 - A Study of the Effectiveness of Alternatives to Violence Workshops in a Prison System,
            Stan Sloane

2002 - An Evaluation of AVP Workshops in Aotearoa/New Zealand, Wellington
            Brian Phillips

2003 - An Evaluation of the Alternatives to Violence Project in Rwanda
            Adrien Niyongabo and Peter Yeomans

2003 - Summary of research on the effectivness of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)
            (Review of Multiple AVP Evaluations and Other Materials)
            Frances Delahanty

2005 - Report on AVP in the Congo
            Mary Kay Jou, David Zarembka/AGLI, from John Wilmerding

2005 - Peace Cannot Stay in Small Places: Lessons From Alternatives to Violence Workshops
            with Gacaca Judges, Rwanda
            Laura Shipler Chico and Uwimana Marie Paule

2005 - The Alternatives to Violence Project in Delaware: A Three-Year Cumulative
            Recidivism Study
            Marsha L. Miller, Ph.D., John A. Shuford, M.B.A., Ed.S., FACHCA

2005 - A Study on Conflict Resolution workshops in Western Cape prisons PDF
            Dissertation, University of Cape Town, South Africa
            Karen de Villiers Graaff

2006 - Alternatives to Violence Project, Colombia
            Val Liveoak, Alba Luz Arrieta, & "Team Mango"

2006 - Teaching Peace - Transforming Conflict? - Exploring Participants' Perceptions of the
            Impact of Informal Peace Education Training in Uganda (168 pages)
            Anika May, 1st Sup: Prof. Dr. G.C.A. Junne; 2nd Sup: Dr. M. Novelli

2007 - I Am My Neighbor's Mirror: A Community Rebuilding After Genocide
            Laura Shipler Chico

2007 - A review of the literature concerning the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP)
            AVP Britain
            Kathryn Tomlinson

2007 - FPT/AGLI Update Report on AVP and related peace projects in Africa
            (several persons reporting)

2008 - Inmate-to-Inmate Communication and Community Building
            Johns Hopkins University, Maryland
            Edward P. Sabin, Ph.D. retired

2009 - AVP: An Instrument of Peace
            John A. Shuford, Delaware

2011 - Kenya - Turbo Division Report
            Dave Zarembka

         - AVP and Trauma
            John A. Shuford, Delaware

2011 - 2011 Guatemala - Epistle: Annual International Gathering
            John Michaelis, Clerk

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